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Procedure Text Example

How To Insert Sim Card

“How to Insert Sim Card Cell Phone”

  1. Cell phone is a modern communication device which connects one to the others by voice, written message and data. However, this device cannot work until the SIM card is inserted.

  2. When inserting the SIM Card to cell phone, make sure that the cell phone has been switched off and follow the direction below:

  3. First of all, press the locking catch and slide the cover then lift it off the phone.

  4. After that, push two catches in the opposite directions and remove the battery.

  5. Next, slide the SIM card carefully into the slot and make sure that the golden connect arson are facing to the connector of the phone.

  6. Then, put the battery and align it until snaps into its place.

  7. Finally, insert the two catches of the back cover corresponding slot in the phone and slide the cover forward button of the phone until locks into place

  8. Don’t forget to switch on the cell phone. Wait until it is ready to use.

How To Make Pancake

“How to Make a Pancake”


  • 3 – 4 spoonful of flour

  • 2 eggs

  • 1 ½ (250 ml) of milk

  • 1 stick of butter


  • 1 mixing bowl

  • 2 table spoons

  • 2 cups

  • 1 small pan


  • Put the flour in the bowl.

  • Put milk in a cup.

  • Make sure it’s 250 ml of milk.

  • Put the milk in the bowl.

  • Break the 2 eggs into the bowl.

  • Mix it with a spoon.

  • Heat up the pan and put the butter

  • Put the mix in the pan.

  • Let the pancake mix cook about 5 minutes

  • Flip pancake over when the top is brown.

  • Your pancake its ready to be serve

How To Use Rice Cooker

How To Use Rice Cooker

You need :

  • Rice cooker

Directions :

  • Add the rice to the rice cooker pot. Read the directions on the rice package, and measure rice according to these instructions. Use a regular measuring cup for this step, since rice cookers sometimes come with non-standard measuring devices.

  • Add the amount of water specified on the rice package. Be careful not to fill the cooker beyond the overfill line.

  • Put the rice cooker pot into the cooker unit, and cover the pot with the lid. Most cookers come with a tight-fitting lid, but if your lid is too loose, consider adding a layer of aluminium foil.

  • Plug in the cooker and push the button to start cooking rice. If your cooker has a timer, you may choose to have the rice cook at a later point in the day. Some higher-end units include a warmer, which will help the rice stay warm after it has finished cooking. While the rice is cooking, refrain from lifting the lid to check on it.

  • When the rice is done, the cooker will beep or make a clicking sound.

How To Call Person

How To Call Person

If you want to call the other persons, follow the instructions below:

  • Press the “power” button.

  • Search the name of the person that you want to call in contact list or press the number you want to call

  • Press the call button (green button)

  • Wait until the other accept your call

  • Start the conversation.

  • Press the “Call Off” button to end the conversation (red button)

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